Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Blog Entry 2: Formal Runway Show

Fashion shows are a thrilling presentation of apparel, accessories, and other products. It can be very theatrical, with music, lighting, staging, and a script just like a performance. Even though fashion shows are produced for many different reasons, the main reason they are put on is to sell merchandise. It gives a visual statement about the merchandise that a designer is trying to sell.

Fashion shows that I have been exposed to would be a formal runway show, and mannequin modeling. Formal runway shows are the type of fashion show that most people recognize, as the type of fashion show where models parade up and down a runway, showing off the apparel and accessories of a certain designer. Mannequin modeling is the form of modeling where the model acts as though they are a live mannequin in a store window, striking poses that show up a certain form for the apparel.

In the movie we watched in class about the designer, Valentino, was an in depth look at what all goes into planning and executing a fashion show and showed behind the scenes. In this particular video, the color stories that were most evident with the apparel line that was being shown, were a lot of reds and whites. Some of the garment detailing included feathers, trains, cutouts, and ornamentation. I thought the video was very educational about what actually goes on with a designer and their formal runway shows.

The fashion show planning process is very intense. It includes audience selection, where people are chosen to be invited to attend. Theme development and venue selection, timing of the show, and security issues are the other things that go into planning a fashion show.

I'm actually in the modeling group here at Stephens and a student designer's model, so i'm hoping I get to walk in the big Fashion Show in April. We'll see after Jury in March.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Week One

Hey, my name is Sarah. I'm a junior transfer from Illinois Central College in East Peoria, Illinois. Technically i'm a junior, but because I transferred so late, i'm actually a freshman/sophomore in the Fashion Communications major, so it's a little confusing. I'm hoping to be done within about another year and a half.

Here's a little background about me, and about who I am. I've lived in a little town called Washington, Illinois my whole life. It's about 2 and a half hours south of Chicago, so that should make it a little more familiar. I've always had a love for animals, music, and riding horses. Those are my passions, for sure. Fashion is my passion as well, but it's a newer passion of mine. I've been singing since I was 2, and riding horses since I was about 6 or so. I love both.

In High School, I was in 3 choirs, and played the flute in 2 different concert bands. High School was definitely where I did most of my music things. I still sing a lot, but haven't picked up my flute in 2 years. I probably should do that sometime. I sing solo's at church, and i'm also involved with a youth ministry at Mizzou called The Branch, and I also sing for the worship team there. Riding horses is a love of mine, as well. I started out riding Western, then switched to Dressage when I was about 13. If those are foreign to you, it's basically two totally different types of riding. Western is more informal, and Dressage is more formal and organized.

Even though I love music and horses, I didn't want to major in those for some reason. I actually was totally in the dark with what I wanted to do major wise until my sophomore year at Illinois Central College, and that major ended up being Fashion. So far I am loving it. Looking at me and talking to me, you wouldn't really take me for a fashion major. I don't have the expensive fancy in style clothing that most fashion majors have, but I enjoy it just as much as the next person. I hope I stick with this.

That's pretty much me in a nutshell. There's a lot more to me, but that's pretty much summing it up.